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Facelift surgery reverses the most noticeable signs of aging in the lower and middle regions of the face by trimming excess skin and tightening the underlying facial tissues.

Facelift Surgery in Birmingham, AL

As much as we like to believe that growing older is avoidable, our facial features tend to be the first indicator to show that we are, in fact, aging. Over time, our skin and tissues naturally lose their elasticity, which leads to deep wrinkles and sagging skin on the face and neck. Facelift surgery, or rhytidectomy, can take years off of your appearance by removing excess skin and smoothing out folds and wrinkles.

happy woman in a bath towel

What Can Facelift Surgery Address?

Deep Facial Wrinkles

Collagen and elastin are the structural building blocks of our skin. As we age, our body naturally produces less of these proteins, which can cause deep wrinkles to form and facial tissues to sag. Facelift surgery trims excess skin and manipulates the facial tissues to reduce the appearance of wrinkles.

Sagging in the Face and Neck

When our skin begins to sag, we develop a permanent tired and aged appearance. Sagging of the face and neck also alters the shape of your face by distorting angles, such as an alluring jawline. Facelift surgery tightens the skin, muscles, and deep tissues to restore a natural and rejuvenated contour.

Facial Volume Loss

As you age, the once plump facial fat on the cheeks and under the eyes begins to disappear, resulting in a hollow or sunken appearance. Facelift surgery repositions the underlying tissues to reverse volume loss caused by the natural aging process.

What Does Facelift Surgery Entail?



During your consultation, Drs. Oliver and Jack will examine your facial anatomy and develop a surgical plan depending on your needs.

You will have a clear understanding of what to expect from your surgery and the steps needed to prepare.

Facelift Procedure

The facelift technique used during your surgery will depend on the extent of corrections needed. Your facelift surgery will be performed under general anesthesia.


Facelift Incisions

Facelift incisions are placed behind the hairline and in the folds in front of the ears where they are naturally concealed.

Facelift Techniques

While there are different variations of the facelift, they all succeed in restoring a rejuvenated appearance. In most cases, the underlying fat, muscles, and deep tissues will be lifted and repositioned. Excess skin will be trimmed and redraped to complement your surrounding facial features.

Facelift Results

You will notice a redefined facial structure immediately following the surgery. The new contours will continue to improve over the following weeks and months as the swelling subsides.

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Have Questions About Facelift in Birmingham Alabama?

If you are interested in a Facelift, contact our office in Birmingham, Alabama to schedule your consultation.

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Addressing Your Concerns

Woman hold her hand to her face and looking over her shoulder


After facelift surgery, it is normal to feel fatigued and sore. You will need to arrange for someone to drive you home and assist you with daily tasks for the initial days of your recovery.

Following your procedure, a bandage may be wrapped around your face to minimize swelling and bruising. Drainage tubes may be inserted underneath your skin to drain excess blood or fluid. You should engage in light walking shortly after your surgery to promote blood circulation—which may help speed the healing process. Strenuous activities should be avoided for three to four weeks and resumed only when cleared by Drs. Oliver and Jack.

Woman hold her hand to her face and looking over her shoulder


Your facelift incisions will be placed in discrete locations, so that the resulting scars are hidden. You can minimize the appearance of your scars by keeping them out of the sun and applying scar cream. All scars will eventually fade with time and can be covered with makeup.

Woman hold her hand to her face and looking over her shoulder


Facelift surgery is an individualized procedure, which will be reflected in the final cost.

The cost of your facelift surgery will depend on the extent of corrections needed, techniques used, procedures combined, and other related factors.

You will be provided with an exact cost estimate during your facelift consultation.

Woman hold her hand to her face and looking over her shoulder


Facelift surgery is performed under anesthesia to ensure that the procedure is as painless as possible. It is common to feel discomfort during the healing process as the swelling subsides. If pain persists, Drs. Oliver and Jack will prescribe pain medication. Some patients find relief with over-the-counter medications like TYLENOL®.

The desire of Dr. Oliver and Dr. Jack at Plastic Surgery Specialists located in Birmingham, Alabama is to provide you with the finest personalized care while creating beautiful, natural results.

Frequently Asked Questions

When can I sleep on my side after facelift surgery?

After facelift surgery, you should avoid sleeping on your side until the swelling and bruising subside. It is recommended to sleep on your back with your head elevated for three to four weeks after the surgery.

This will help aid with the healing process, promote proper blood flow, and ensure that no pressure is placed on your redefined facial structures.

What activities can I do and not do after facelift surgery?

Once you have recovered from facelift surgery, there will be no limitations, and you will eventually be able to resume all daily activities. Most patients return to their normal schedules after two weeks. Patients should be cleared to resume some strenuous activities after four weeks.

Are there any medications I should avoid before facelift surgery?

You should avoid taking any anticoagulants several days before facelift surgery. Anticoagulants are blood thinners and can complicate the procedure. You should also avoid aspirin, ibuprofen, and herbal supplements that thin the blood.

What are some complications after facelift surgery that I should report to my plastic surgeon?

Serious complications after facelift surgery are rare; however, they can occur.
If complications like prolonged swelling, persistent pain, drastic changes in skin sensation, or cardiac issues occur or persist, you should visit your doctor right away.

How long does facelift surgery take to perform?

Depending on the extent of corrections needed. and the procedures combined, the length of your facelift surgery can range from three to four hours.