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When Is It Time to Consider Breast Revision Surgery?

Posted January 24, 2025 By: The Office of Birmingham Specialists

Breast Revision

Female by the beach in white bikini

Breast augmentation can be a very exciting procedure for many women who have long awaited a way to enhance their breasts. However, it can be challenging to grapple with unsatisfactory breast augmentation results or post-surgery complications. This blog will discuss common breast augmentation complications, breast implant removal, and replacement implants for different sizes.

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What Is Breast Implant Revision?

Breast implant revision is a secondary procedure performed when a patient has issues with their primary breast augmentation. Its goal is to correct problems or improve results from the initial surgery.

Revision may involve removing or replacing implants, adjusting implant position, or addressing complications. Remember, it is important to wait at least six to twelve months after your initial surgery before moving forward with breast revision surgery. 

What Is Wrong With My Breast Augmentation?

Several issues can arise after breast augmentation. Some common problems that may require revision surgery include:

Capsular Contracture: This common breast complication occurs when the scar tissue that forms around breast implants tightens, causing pain, hardness, or changes in breast shape. This condition can develop anytime after surgery, even years later.

Implant Rupture: Saline implants may deflate if the outer shell develops a leak. Silicone implants can also rupture, though it may be less noticeable. Regular check ups and imaging can help detect implant ruptures.

Bottoming Out: An implant can sometimes shift downward on the chest, making the nipple seem higher than it should be on the breast. This can look unnatural and be uncomfortable for the patient.

Implant Malposition: Over time, implants may shift from their intended position, making your breasts look too high, too low, too far apart, or just uneven. Double bubble deformity, when the implant sits below the natural breast crease, is a form of implant malposition. Malposition can be caused by factors such as improper surgical technique, implant size, or natural changes in breast tissue.

Other reasons include:

  • Changes in breast size or shape can occur due to weight fluctuations, pregnancy, or aging, potentially creating a mismatch with your body image or personal preferences.
  • Rippling or wrinkling under the skin is particularly common in women with thin breast tissue and is often more noticeable with saline implants.
  • Dissatisfaction with size in relation to your overall frame may inspire you to size up or down.

What Are My Options for Breast Implant Revision?

If you’re experiencing any of the issues we’ve mentioned above, you have several options for breast implant revision:

Implant Exchange: If you are dissatisfied with your implant size or simply want to upgrade to a new implant type, you can choose to replace your current implants with a different size, shape, or type.

Implant Removal: In some instances, women may choose to undergo breast implant removal without receiving replacement implants. This decision may stem from individual choices or health-related concerns. After removal, your surgeon may recommend fat grafting or a breast lift to deal with any skin laxity or volume loss.

Capsulectomy: For capsular contracture, surgeons may remove the hardened scar tissue capsule and replace or remove the implant. This procedure, known as a total capsulectomy, can help reduce the risk of the issue coming up again and improve breast softness and appearance.

Implant Repositioning: If your implants have shifted, your surgeon can create a new pocket or adjust the existing one to place the implants in a better position.

Breast Lift with Revision: Combining a breast lift with implant revision can give drooping or sagging breasts a more youthful look. This comprehensive approach addresses both tissue laxity and implant-related issues, improving breast shape and position.

Fat Grafting: This technique involves injecting fat from another part of the body, such as the abdomen or thighs, into specific​​ areas of the breast to improve contours and soften the look of implants. This technique harvests fat from another part of the body, such as the abdomen or thighs, and injects it into specific areas of the breast. Fat grafting can be particularly useful for correcting minor asymmetries or adding natural-looking volume to the upper pole of the breast.

Want to Learn More About Breast Revision Surgery in Birmingham, AL?

Before considering breast revision surgery, it’s essential to consult with a board-certified plastic surgeon. At Plastic Surgery Specialists, Dr. Jack and Dr. Oliver, both experienced and board-certified, are ready to assist you. To schedule a consultation, call us at (205) 298-8660 or visit our contact page.