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Why You Need Your Beauty Sleep

Posted December 07, 2017 By: The Office of Birmingham Specialists

Health and Beauty

Woman getting her beauty sleepQuality sleep renews the mind, body, and soul, which is why “getting your beauty sleep” is important to remember. Getting sufficient sleep allows your skin to heal and rejuvenate, which keeps you looking younger longer. However, sleep is often a low priority with today’s demanding schedules and a to-do list that never ends. When a lack of shut-eye has you looking dull instead of vibrant and refreshed, non-surgical treatments can rejuvenate and breathe life into your sleep-deprived appearance.

What Sleep Does for Your Appearance

Beauty sleep gives your body a chance to recuperate from the day. Regeneration during your sleeping hours helps your skin look vibrant and healthy the next morning. Sleep encourages blood flow to the skin, which gives it the healthy glow you see after a night of restful dreaming. With good quality sleep, you can expect:

  • Stronger, healthier skin
  • Fewer acne breakouts
  • Brighter eyes without dark circles
  • Even skin tone
  • Rosier complexion

You can enjoy even more benefits of beauty sleep by adopting a few behaviors. Cleanse your skin every night before bed, and apply a moisturizer and eye cream before hitting the pillow. Drink lots of water before bed to keep your skin moist and your pores minimized. Water has other benefits, too: a warm bath at night can brighten your complexion and raises your body temperature so that afterward, you’ll be ready to relax into sleep. Lastly, reduce salt in your diet (especially in your dinner meal or end-of-day snack) to reduce puffiness in the morning.

When You’re Not Getting Enough Sleep

When you’re not getting enough sleep, you may start to see the negative effects that sleep deprivation has on your skin. To counteract these effects and restore a refreshed, youthful appearance, come to our office for a quick, rejuvenating, non-surgical treatment. For wrinkles in the brow and lines around the eyes, BOTOX® Cosmetic can restore a rested and smooth appearance. Wrinkles and folds in the mid and lower face, including those left from sleeping on your side, can be eliminated wit JUVÉDERM® or other dermal fillers. Acne, fine lines, and other skin irregularities can be replaced with new, healthy skin through laser treatments. Dr. Oliver or Dr. Jack will help you determine which treatment is best for your needs.