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Reclaiming Your Chest After Breast Cancer

Posted October 26, 2018 By: The Office of Birmingham Specialists

Breast Reconstruction

By Claire Crosser, Front Desk Coordinator

pink logo for OctoberAfter a mastectomy or lumpectomy, breast reconstruction can help restore the look and feel of your breasts.

Plastic Surgery Specialists offers complete services for breast reconstruction surgery including procedures that can utilize breast implants and/or your own tissue (flap techniques).

Know your reconstruction options by discussing your health goals with your doctor and your support system. Choosing to undergo breast reconstruction is a highly personal decision, and you should decide based on your own desires rather than outside influences.

Although restoring your breasts is not considered a cosmetic procedure and is an aspect of disease treatment, insurance coverage can vary. Most patients have success in ensuring that their insurance covers reconstruction procedures. Our practice is here to discuss your options, as well as any questions or concerns regarding insurance.

Our surgeons are experienced in many different reconstruction methods and are constantly seeking to optimize surgical techniques and materials to improve results. In recent years, advances in silicone gel implant technology, improvements in fat grafting techniques, and the use of acellular dermal matrix (ADM) products like ALLODERM™ have elevated our ability to produce natural breast shapes following mastectomy surgery.

Our surgeons have extensive training, experience, and sensitivity in performing breast reconstruction. Our surgeons and staff are here to support you before, during, and after this process.

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. If you or someone close to you suffers from breast cancer, breast reconstruction can provide emotional healing and restore breasts that have been surgically minimized as part of cancer treatment. To learn more about this procedure, schedule your personal consultation with Dr. Oliver or Dr. Jack. To schedule your appointment, please call (205) 298-8660 today or fill out our online contact form.